Urgent request – please read!

Filed in Blog, Waste News by on September 8, 2010 4 Comments
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reduce reuse recycle but please do not incinerate!

reduce reuse recycle but please do not incinerate!

Sorry to interrupt the excitement of zero waste week, but I came across something just now that I think you all need to know about.

Martin Rutland, my friendly local Friends of the Earth volunteer told me about a survey by DEFRA who are reviewing waste policy and delivery in England. Unfortunately you only have until midnight to share your comments and suggestions. So I would urge all of you living in this green and pleasant land to stop what you are doing right now and take 5 minutes to get your voice heard.

There are three ways to get involved:

You can take a quick online survey which invites comments on reducing and managing waste including using incineration as a solution.

If you have a specific interest in particular areas of waste policy or delivery you can join in a ‘waste review‘ discussion with Defra officials & other interested parties.

Finally, you can input your views to Defra separately by submitting more detailed responses with their Call for Evidence (PDF). The Call for Evidence closes 7 Oct’10, so you’ve got longer to think about it.

Further information from the website:

The Review will look at all aspects of waste policy and delivery in England. Its main aim will be to ensure that we are taking the right steps towards creating a ‘zero waste’ economy, where resources are fully valued, and nothing of value gets thrown away.

This is a review of waste policies in England only, although we will consider whether lessons can be learned from experiences in other parts of the UK. Waste policy in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is the responsibility of the respective administrations.

Please fill this in, join in the discussions or send more detailed responses to DEFRA and help spread the word. And I promise this afternoon’s post is a little more light hearted to get back in the celebratory swing of zero waste week 😉

About the Author ()

I am a long time supporter of the Green and Sustainable lifestyle. After being caught in the Boscastle floods in 2004, our family begun a journey to respect and promote the importance of Earth's fragile ecosystem, that focussed on reducing waste. Inspired by the beauty and resourcefulness of this wonderful planet, I have published numerous magazine articles on green issues and the author of four books.

Comments (4)

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  1. Julie Day says:

    I will probably do the Call for Evidence as it gives me more time to think what to put. On a good note. I have now found somewhere I can recycle my mixed plastics.

  2. Mrs Green says:

    @Julie Day: Great news Julie – I’m doing all three! Where are you recycling mixed plastics now? Would love to hear more x

  3. Jane says:

    Well I had a go but since I read your post at a quarter to midnight it was all a bit rushed. Wish I could have printed it out to think about it more before and more after. There was a question something along the lines of how do you think people could be encouraged to buy longer lasting products which I would have liked to explore more. How is it possible to buy an iron for £3 that has come right across the world? I think we should all be told.

  4. Mrs Green says:

    @Jane: It was all a bit rushed Jane; I posted up as soon as I heard of it and can’t imagine how I missed it to be honest (did they not really want us to know 😉 ) You could still fill in the more comprehensive questions which don’t need to be in until October if you feel inclined.

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